From 2 to 30 November 2024, the next stage of the closure will take place on lines 821 and 836.
Line 821 - all connections will run between the stops Hodonice, střed and Tasovice, u hřbitova by diverting along a two-way detour route on roads II/408, III/40841(Nádražní street), III/40834 and II/408. On the detour route all connections will serve the stop Tasovice, škola as a replacement for the temporarily cancelled stop Tasovice, u prodejen.
Line 836 - all connections will run between the stops Hodonice, střed and Tasovice, škola on a two-way detour route on roads II/408, III/40841(Nádražní street) and III/40834. On the detour route they will skip the stop Tasovice, u prodejen.
Change of stops:
Tasovice, u prodejen - completely without service by lines 821 and 836 IDS JMK, replacing the stop Tasovice, škola respectively for line 821 and Tasovice, u hřbitova.