Basic information
KORDIS JMK is a stock company (Inc.) with a capital base of 2 000 000 CZK. Currently, it employs about 50 people and resides in Brno, Nové Sady 30.
The company was founded in March of 2002 by the South Moravian region as well as by the Statutory city of Brno as KORDIS JMK, LLC. — the coordinator of the Integrated transport system of the South Moravian region. The company was put in the trade register on September 20, 2002. Immediately after that, on October 1, 2002, it started operating. KORDIS was founded by a 1 000 000 CZK investment and was owned by the South Moravian region (51 %) and the Statutory city of Brno (49 %).

KORDIS JMK was founded for two main functions: coordinating transit services within the South Moravian region and preparations, execution and maintaining the integrated transport system within the entire area of the South Moravian region. After the integration of all parts of the region, the main task for KORDIS is the coordination of transport and other relevant services for the South Moravian region, city of Brno and other municipalities and cities within the region.
The reason for the founding of KORDIS JMK were the needs of the South Moravian region and the Statutory city of Brno regarding the fulfillment of development programs in the field of public transit. Within the region, the main points were the need for quality and profitable transit for the entire region, transporting as much passenger as possible, and the implementation of a central integrated transit system within the region. Within Brno, the aims were mainly to lower the amount of individual traffic caused mainly by people commuting by car from the metropolitan area into the city, connecting transit arriving from the region with Brno transit and improve the offer for travelling into the region.
Fuctions maintained by KORDIS JMK
- permanently monitors and evaluates the development of transport needs, designs timetables, optimizes routing
- compiles transport organization ideas both in the South Moravian region and in Brno
- takes part in negotiating of ground plan documentation
- suggests improvements to routing, takes part in system development
- designs timetables for regional buses and train lines, koordinates city route schedules with DPMB
- specifies rules for changing between connections
- operates the central dispatch center for IDS JMK
- processes timetable data for journey planners
- provides on-line data including positions of connections and current delays for respective applications and subjects
- operates about 200 ELPs — ELectronic Panels at transfer hubs and train stations
- operates about 1000 onboard computers on regional buses
- designs suggestions for Tariff and Terms and conditions of IDS JMK and deals with possible ambiguities
- operates ticket inspection on both bus routes and train lines within IDS JMK
- takes part in international projects supported by the EU
- operates the EOC — electronic passenger check-in and an eshop with electronic ticket passes
- operates the Poseidon app for information about transit and ticket sales
- reviews the quality of service by transit companies within IDS JMK
- advertises IDS JMK and public transit use, makes efforts for passenger numbers to grow
- executes marketing surveys
- distributes profits to transit companies
- compiles economic data for the South Moravian region and other clients
- compiles judicial documents for the company and for the South Moravian region
- takes part in selection procedures for the South Moravian region and more clients for transport and other services
- takes part in smart solutions in transit, in modernising and development of the fleet, stops and transfer hubs.
The main link for KORDIS JMK operation is the passenger/customer. The very essence of the transit system within the South Moravian region is targeted at passengers' needs (while simultaneously preserving a level of transport effectivness and profitability). The target is to maintain the number of transit users in the region, and to eventually increase that number.
Board of directors
Chairman: Mgr. Libor Hoppe |
Deputy chairman: Mgr. Jiří Dvořáček |
Member of board: Mgr. Adam Zemek |
Member of board: Ing. Jan Seitl |
Organization chart
HEAD OF COMPANY: Ing. Jiří Horský |
Secretariat: Michaela Maršálková |
Operation economist: Andrea Klíčová, Dagmar Gajdušková |
Wage accountant: Miroslava Gottwaldová |
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: Michal Kocourek, head of department |
Organization of operation section: Ing. Jana Šuštiaková, head of section |
Operation section: Vladimír Dopita, head of section |
Railway section: Ing. Stanislav Krčma, head of section, deputy head of department |
Central dispatching center: Miroslav Vojnar, DiS., head of dispatch |
TARIFF, MARKETING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: Ing. Květoslav Havlík, head of department, deputy director of company |
Marketing and EU projects section: Mgr. Tomáš Hladík, deputy head of department |
Contact centers for EOC: Radek Chudiak, head of department |
Ticket inspection: Roman Ševčík, head of department |
DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS: Ing. Pavel Dostál, head of department |
LEGAL DEPARTMENT: Mgr. Alena Wichová, head of department |
Annual reports